by Marie Deveaux | Jan 14, 2020 | Motivation and Mindset, Productivity
We all have heard the phrase “just say no” in reference to addiction or drug abuse. With the Me Too movement and the upsurge in women’s empowerment we’ve heard “no means no” bandied about like that most powerful slogan that we all...
by Marie Deveaux | Dec 31, 2019 | Entrepreneurship, Motivation and Mindset
Just saw the new Marvel Avengers movie (yeah, I know I’m late. Life is kind of full) and I am having very coachy thoughts that I would like to share and discuss with some coachy friends. I actually love critical analysis but if you aren’t into the Marvel stuff, or...
by Marie Deveaux | Aug 27, 2019 | Learn, Motivation and Mindset
I have been toying with the idea that the phrase “the future is female” has nothing to do with a woman’s takeover of the world, and more with a rebalancing of the masculine energy and feminine energy, and how our everyday experience reveals them. I...
by Marie Deveaux | Jul 1, 2019 | Learn, Motivation and Mindset
Today we’re talking about implicit bias and where it shows up when you’re working with your business coach or contractor. I know already there tends to be a little bit of tension between the coaching world and the consulting world. And so I wanted to talk...
by Marie Deveaux | Jun 24, 2019 | Activism, Entrepreneurship, Motivation and Mindset
Hey friends, it’s Marie here jumping on this lovely summer day to talk to you about Juneteenth and freedom. As you may notice we’re still in June. I think oftentimes when people talk about freedom, they associate it with the 4th of July. But freedom...
by Marie Deveaux | Jun 10, 2019 | Entrepreneurship, Motivation and Mindset, Productivity
It’s June, and we are continuing our conversation about the mid year review process for your small business. Those of you who follow online on the She Runs It group for women of color entrepreneurs may recall that earlier this year in January we did a deep dive...