
A comprehensive business planning program to level up your side hustle and create the small business of your dreams.

By the end of this program you will:

  • Finally learn to manage your personal budget and finances without headache

  • Understand how to increase your net worth

  • Create and learn how to interpret your business’ operating budget (Profit and Loss Statement)

  • Perfect your elevator pitch for any situation


  • Get clear on your unique value and the movement you stand for with your work


  • Implement a time-bound strategy and financial plan to quit your 9-5
  • Understand your ideal customer and what makes them so attracted to you

  • Identify your business board of professional advisors to support your business from day one

  • Learn strategies to manage your time and prioritize your self care and well being

  • Join a community of like minded women of color ready to support your personal and professional growth


  • Strengthen your boundaries and empower new habits and routines to prevent burn out

97% of Businesses Fail in the First 5 Years

The PROBLEM: you’re already successful working for someone else. Splitting your time between maintaining your 9-5 and building your dream feels like a crazy tug of war for your time, energy and finances.

  • You’re confused about how to replace your current salary without slipping backwards into debt.

  • The idea of jumping with no solid client base has you unsure of your viability.

  • Your co-workers are drinking the kool-aid, and you’re starved for peers who understand entrepreneurship.

  • You’re smart but when it comes to business, you don’t know what you don’t know.

and . . .

There are more to dos than hours in the day to do them. HELLO OVERWHELM! Goodbye focused effort.

Time to get Clear and Confident

Combat overwhelm step by step, with the Me FIRST™ Framework


Get Your Money Right and eliminate scarcity mindset.


Get clear on who you serve and how to attract your perfect clients. No more impostor syndrome.


Create a power network of supportive expertise and community. Hello entrepreneur tribe.


Find out what you don’t know and fill the gaps with ease. Get your level up.


Reclaim your time and your energy, so burnout is no longer the norm. Thrive. Rest. Rinse. Repeat.

Build it B2B is a unique hybrid of group coaching and accountability mixed with a business planning workshop to reveal how you can take your passionate side hustle and make it your full time income earner, even while executing a transition plan from your current full time employer.


This class is not all about money or budgeting. It has been a series of empowering and healing conversations around self worth, self love and self transformation. I have a lot of clarity about who I want to work with as a client. I’ve had my first live online class, and 24 people signed up and showed up! I’m actually in business now! I just want to tell anybody who’s struggling, “Oh my G-d! you need to get on this class.” THANK YOU MARIE!


Luz S

Writing With Light Authorship Coach


I feel like by the end of the Side Hustle class everything feels integrated – it all came together really seamlessly, really beautifully for me. I actually didn’t expect how super-aligned I feel. Being vulnerable with myself, and finding my own voice, needs and boundaries has been empowering. I got a full-pay 4-month client! And I’m excited about my next steps. I’m really proud of myself and of where I am as a whole person. I don’t know if that could have happened without this class. It has been amazing!


Arielle O

i am simply Life Space Coach & Organizer

Hell, what it took for you to get me to look at my money stuff, honey, you have now crossed thresholds in your coaching! It’s been 12 weeks, and I’ve gained a lot that I can’t even quantify. I’m so happy and excited about how life has been unfolding, I’m pleased to see progress within myself, and you’re part of that, so thank you! With the Side Hustle Intensive, I feel like I have grown. Now I need to get me some Vegan Ben & Jerry’s to celebrate!

Shenell E

Chief Resilience Officer at DrShenell.com

The Side Hustle Intensive is like a group of girlfriends sitting together improving each other’s businesses with coaching encouragement and a vision. You’re going to walk away with a plan and a vision and you are definitely going to get out way more than you expect. The community gave me a warm, welcoming feeling, and allowed me to be my most authentic. I was able to take off my mask and see that it’s ok to want my tribe to be like me, to look like me and realize that that could be a business. It felt like community and sisterhood.


Sharon D

Entrepreneur Coach


The Side Hustle Intensive is a really beautiful gathering of Black women supporting each other as they build their businesses into their wildest dreams. It has a sense of community of women still in different places in their journeys with their businesses, but still able to come to a common space of being really committed to their businesses and understanding not only that we want to make them happen as our full time jobs, but that it’s personal for all of us too.


Christa P


[The Side Hustle Intensive] allowed me to really sit with where I was in my business and have the space to explore what my business is when it comes to rebranding my business and services. Just that thought was stressful because for five years I have been working and building the business. And this was a 360 in the midst of climbing a mountain. This was finding the joy in that possibility and embracing that and having more control and having grounded in who I am moving forward. I really enjoyed that; being in that space “yep, this is where I am, where I want to go, what that could look like” and get excited about that. This was truly hitting the reset button for me.

Tamara B

The Behind the Scenes Queen

Enroll now and you get:

Build it B2B (a Side Hustle learning experience)

  • 10 Live Group coaching calls with an experienced entrepreneur coach, and a trusted sister circle of BIPOC women entrepreneurs


  • 24/7 Access to dozens of videos, templates and tools showing you how to assess your current business and plan to close skill gaps and fill revenue holes


  • 6 Co-working Sessions to implement your business strategy and be supported in your goals


  • Complete step by step Hustle Map, Pre-Intensive Check-In Questionnaire, and Main Squeeze Checklist so you can chart your progress towards your personal goals as the CFO, CMO, COO, and CEO of your business


  • Weekly community accountability in our private Slack channel


  • Operating Budget, Debt Payoff, and Salary financial calculators to predict the cashflow of your business at all stages of development



  • Expert communication strategies for defining your niche, representing your brand, and using the power of influence to attract raving fans

When you join you get immediate access to your coach’s calendar to begin scheduling your bonus sessions.

The official program start date will be in January, 2023. From there you will access one module every week and participate in weekly group coaching calls with your coaches, Kerry Ann Elliott or Candace Taylor, for live Q&A. The program includes 3 flow weeks across the three month period to help you process, and put new learnings in place BEFORE moving on to the next step in the program. There are no group coaching calls during flow weeks.

Use flow weeks as an opportunity to ask questions and get feedback from your peers in the cohort, and 1:1 coaching from your designated coach prior to moving on to any new material.

Dozens of Tools and Templates Integrated
Into the Course – REBOOT IN 2023

Live Coaching. Killer Bonuses.
& You.

Phase 1

Pre-work, Vision and Mission

We kick off our time together in the Welcome week getting acquainted with your vision for your business and for yourself.

This is where we set your intentions, get clear on your three big goals and the milestones that you will reach over the course of the program. You clearly articulate your mission and vision like never before and establish the initial accountability structures to insure your success.


  • Redefine your company vision statement
  • Map out your 90 day plan complete with the milestones you will reach and the rewards you will receive along the way
  • Get acquainted with the ME First framework and schedule your first Bonus call to define your areas of focus
  • Map out your study days, group coaching calls and implementation days using the Hustle Map and All in One document so you can track your progress with the community
  • Connect with your Hustle Buddy accountability partner and create a support structure that works for you for the next 90 days

Phase 2

Identity & Reinforcements

This is where we begin to play with what you offer and how you offer it to make sure that what your clients want matches your offerings. You get clear on your brand as a CEO, what makes you different in how you are executing your mission and you start connecting with ideal clients (and partners) to build out a strong business foundation and customized marketing strategy.


  • Revisit your resume and get a clear understanding of what makes you unique in the marketplace with the Resume+ Memory Jogger and audit
  • Customize your client experience by following my Awesome Avatars exercise to define your ideal client and the services that they most need.
  • Optimize your online presence with a LinkedIn 12 step tutorial
  • Learn to master your unique sales proposition with my 3 Step formula for creating the perfect pitch, and recalculate your rates using the Value Proposition Matrix (did someone say pay raise?)

Phase 3

Financially Free

Now that you are clear on mission, vision, your value and your coins, we get to reverse engineer your business financial goals by digging into your minimum salary requirements and how that plays into business revenue and sales activities. As you start to understand your needs, we start to investigate how that breaks down to your product and services.

This is where you get to define your highest paying activities, and rethink how you can conserve your energy and your time to meet optimal financial results. (Yes yall, we get into what to delegate to who and when).


  • Learn to create and manage an Operating Budget (Profit and Loss Statement) to begin forecasting your business revenue.
  • Set goals for creating profit margin, account for tax liability, and salary goals with the salary calculator tools.
  • Assess your current skills and align them to necessary business owner skill sets with Skillsfinder Assessment
  • Dig into hiring support for key business skills and strategize how to build your most well rounded team.

Phase 4

Energy & Self Care

Building on the clarity you’ve gained from the previous phases, about how to balance your strengths and growth areas with those around you, you now structure your day to meet your ideals. This is where we dig into the practices that have served you, and start to eliminate and modify those that don’t.

In this phase we get realigned with the vision you started with and armed with your detailed plans take a look at how to implement your big picture vision in repeatable cycles so you can optimize your energy and avoid burnout as a business owner.


  • Create the Schedule of your dreams so you never go back to wasting your time
  • Create new habits for daily, weekly and quarterly planning so you and your business never miss a beat
  • Map out a new 90 day plan complete with the milestones you will reach and the rewards you will receive along the way
  • Declare what supports you desire next and start conversations with other community members to be supported in this next stage of business development

4 Exclusive Bonus Lectures

Plus these bonuses to help you gain momentum, support, and community all the way through your business building success.

  • Bonus 1: Bonus calls with your coach to dig into your business and transition challenges (Value $1250)


  • Bonus 2: Lifetime Access to Side Hustle Intensive Private Slack channel and all training materials on the learning platform (Value $900)


  • Bonus 3: Lifetime discount on all High Tides Coaching packages, programs and workshops as a Side Hustle Member (Value $1800)


  • Extra Bonus: 4 Exclusive Expert Lectures with 4 amazing women who are experts in the industry on topics ranging from finances to marketing (Value $600)

When You Add It All Up, That’s a Total Real World Value of $4550

Build it B2B 2023

Plus You Are Covered By A Risk Free 28-Day Money Back Guarantee

Build it B2B is designed to help Women of Color entrepreneurs grow wealth and legacy through business building. Your success is our success. It’s why the exercises are so detailed and there is so much face time with our coaches to walk you through the process.

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the course. The Company provides a 28-day money back guarantee for the Program.

After 28 days into the course, you will have access to all of the orientation materials behind the methodology of the Program and all of the calculators and resources to plan for increased net worth, business operation budget, setting your CEO salary, and planning your exit strategy to plan a viable exit date from your full time job, as well as the ramp up of your small business. That’s all in the first 4 weeks of the program.

That means that if you have done the work, you should be able to see a realistic timeline for your exit from corporate and/or be planning your business’ financial growth as well. If for any reason by the 28th day in the program you are not feeling confident about your timelines for your strategy, or supported to continue the next steps, reach out to hello@mariedeveaux.com and we will refund your full investment.

Full Detail Here>>


This workshop was an EXCELLENT experience. I was stretched beyond my comfort zone and learned so much that I can put into practice TODAY.

Kim – LCSW, PCP Psychotherapist

It’s the smack in your face with a kiss of comfort to get you feeling stronger and wiser about all your business needs. Necessary for all women in business to be a part of.

Mary – Lifestyle Consultant, Purple Keys Styles

I’m not stressed about money any more. Marie, you are a life saver. Seriously, I feel in control and inspired about saving; like I have an emerging P&L . . . and it makes sense.

Dr. Amante – CEO, Disruptive Equity Education Project


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long is the program? What are the start and end dates?
    Answer: This is a 12 week program. The official program start date begins in January, 2023. Orientation materials and all modules will be made available to you in your portal at the time of registration, no later than one week before program start date. Flow weeks occur on weeks 5, 9 and 12. It is encouraged that you use your one-on-one sessions during those times.


  • How much time do I need each week to work on this program and implementing the modules?
    Answer: Your study time may vary. Past participants reported spending 90 minutes to two hours implementing strategies in addition to the two hours per module watching video tutorials, and up to two hours each week engaging on the group calls. (For easy math, that’s 5 hours/week). Participation in the Private Slack channel is at your own discretion and according to your need. Flow week one-on-one sessions are 50 minutes in duration.


  • How will I access the weekly group coaching calls and Q&A sessions?
    Answer: You will be invited to the private group coaching calls via the email you used to register for the program. You should save these dates to your calendar, and put the login credentials in a safe place. There will also be an active link to join the call available inside the course members area which you will have access to at all times.


  • Who is teaching this program and how are they qualified?
    Answer: Candace Taylor is a leadership coach and a fitness instructor whose mission is to create a community of power-filled, courageous and bold individuals around the world united through the desire to live life according to the fullness of their purpose and potential. In her professional life, post-grad and Fulbright, Candace has utilized creative thinking and expression, project management, effective communication and strategic development skills to increase operational efficiency in many industries and settings ranging from fashion to education to spiritual ministry to theater and fitness. Learn more about Candace here.
  • Kerry-Ann is a Jamaican born New Yorker whose mission is to help women discover their brilliance so that they can craft the life they want to experience. Kerry-Ann has a Bachelor of Arts from SUNY Albany and a Masters of Arts in Teaching from Howard University. Being in the education field for almost two decades has helped Kerry-Ann become a client-focused leader with a strong dedication to women, while providing a safe, reflective, motivating and empowering environment for transformation. Her coach training was completed at the ICF accredited CaPP Institute. Learn more about Kerry Ann here.


  • What’s the refund policy?
    Answer: Build it B2B is backed by a 28-Day Money Back Guarantee. You can read the full details of this policy here.

“It is so difficult for me to briefly summarize who I am and what I do. Marie found a great way to break down what could feel like nerve-wracking moment into a quick answer in 60-seconds or less. “

-Meredith L, Owner, Thought Bubble Communications

Side Hustle Intensive helped me break down all of the most important aspects that need to be handled for successfully running a business. I would highly suggest coaching with Marie for anybody, especially Black women who want to start their own business. I didn’t know anything like it existed!

-Brencia B, CEO, Berry & Collins

“This program is a monumental milestone that I think every business owner should take, especially if you are a Solopreneur because it will force you to really take stock in what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how you’re doing it, and focus on better ways to improve.

You always hope for a networking space, but you know you came to do work, and then you end up networking in a different way. It’s a very good, very healing space.

This program really supported me in staying grounded in reality. You hear people say ‘oh, I’m in business to help others’ and that’s great but at the end of the day you need to eat. I can’t do $5 websites. If I’m doing that, I”m just going from one slave owner to another. This program is about being a real business owner, and that’s my ultimate goal.”

-Charlene B, Web/Brand Identity Developer, Bklyn Custom Designs


I’ve trained hundreds of leaders to lead with the wisdom of the heart and mind.

My whole life has led to this. I’ve performed on stages around the world. I’ve wandered the streets of Latin America learning about the stories that people carry that shape global history. I’ve led movement classes to help people explore their bodies and physical capacity and how it serves their spiritual and emotional needs. I’ve built systems to increase organizational efficiencies for companies in industries ranging from education to fitness to fashion. I’ve trained hundreds of leaders to lead with the wisdom of the heart and mind. I’ve served in the creation of choreographic works that have graced stages of major New England & Tri-State Area performance spaces. I’ve danced through the walkways of supermarkets and the shores of sandy beaches exploring liberty no matter the setting: ALL FOR YOU.

Being a visionary has always been a huge part of who I am. I thoroughly enjoy making connections (of people, of resources, of ideas) that help boost the life experiences of the collective. I believe that there is an ongoing spiritual attack on the creative (creator) capacity of people around the world, which has manifested as blockages, disenfranchisement, low self-esteem, mental and spiritual oppression and stagnancy. I am deeply compelled to support humanity in reconnecting with its intrinsic nature as creators of good. I desire to help break the cycle of lifelessness and perpetual dormancy and elevate people to achieve and create in a way that honors the heights and depths of their human potential.

My life is centered around a framework of ‘spiritual doula’ work. I seek to guide new creations and connections into existence and bring peace (and put to rest) to those things within and around us that have reached the limits of their existence and are ready to be released. My business, Connecting Creations has long existed as a seed waiting for nourishment. It is now sprouting and is ready to capitalize on strong roots to expand and grow into a tree, to serve as a pillar of strength, protection, solace, comfort, inspiration, and prosperity for many. I was so grateful for the Side Hustle Intensive for watering and shining it’s sunlight upon my seed to help me arrive at this place. I am excited to pay it forward and do that for you too.

Love + Light!

Your Chief Inspiration Officer and Assistant Coach


It is MY time! It is YOUR time! Stretch out in the skin that you’re in and SHINE as brightly as you possibly can.

I am a Jamaican born New Yorker who serves as a mother, daughter, wife, educator, leader, mentor, and sister-friend to my community. During my undergraduate studies at SUNY Albany I realized that I had a passion for teaching and went on to earn my Masters of Arts in Teaching at Howard University. After being in education for almost two decades, it became quite apparent to me that both adolescents and adults, particularly women, were walking around completely unaware of their greatness! I decided right then and there that my classroom and office would be a space where my students and teachers would walk in with self-doubt and walk out with an understanding that they were born with gifts, talents, and blessings that the world needed.

So you may be asking yourself, so what? What does that have to do with me? Why am I (Kerry) qualified to partner with you (incredible Goddess)? Well, here’s why…I’ve been where you are. Despite the love and generosity of an incredible mother, I have experienced self-doubt. I realized that most times I experienced self-doubt because I was ignoring my intuition and the voice inside me that really knew the truth. I was listening to others. I listened to society and for some time spent my life as a people pleaser, seeking acceptance from others.

After an introspective look at my own life, I heard that still, small, voice inside me getting louder and louder and I could no longer ignore it. It was time to give in to the voice and follow the path that I truly believe I was created for…the path to empower others, the path to assist in self-discovery, the path to confidence and self acceptance and the path to helping YOU step out of your comfort zone and live in the purpose for which you were created.

As an inspirational speaker and Christian life strategist and empowerment coach, I now make it my mission to help you discover your brilliance so that you can craft the life you want to experience. I am passionate about collaborating with other exceptional women to empower you and awaken the genius within so you can consciously decide to be a part of the transformation that our world is in need of.

It is MY time! It is YOUR time! Stretch out in the skin that you’re in and SHINE as brightly as you possibly can. You were not created to play small, you were created to be radiant, to be amazing, to use your struggles as stepping stones and not stumbling blocks. I couldn’t be more excited and privileged to join you on this journey of self discovery. I can’t wait for you to look in the mirror and revel in the bold, beautiful, decisive, purposeful and powerful woman looking back at you.

Hi, I am Kerry-Ann and I am here to serve YOU!



FROM BARRIERS TO BRIDGES: New E-book available for download!