by Marie Deveaux | Oct 26, 2017 | Branding, Entrepreneurship, Productivity, Uncategorized
LinkedIn is Easier Than You Think It Is I know it’s hard to focus on learning another social media platform when it seems like you can already get lost just fine in Facebook, Insta, Pinterest and of course the godawful Twitter feed that gives us a peek into a...
by Marie Deveaux | Sep 20, 2017 | Motivation and Mindset, Productivity, Uncategorized
Commit To Get Better, Now Each month has numerous observances that it is marked by . In September, we acknowledge Hispanic Heritage, Guide Dogs, Honey, Prostate Health and a bunch of others as well. But September is also National Self Improvement Month. It’s...
by Marie Deveaux | Aug 21, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Motivation and Mindset, Productivity, Retirement, Taxes
The Board Everyone knows that you need a personal board of directors, a career squad, to turn to for advice about your career and your professional growth. These are the people you consult when considering leaving your job, going for the promotion, or negotiating an...
by Marie Deveaux | Aug 14, 2017 | Motivation and Mindset, Productivity
4am is the new 6am I woke up early on a Wednesday a few weeks ago, after passing out the night before at 10 pm. It was roughly 4:30 am. I couldn’t go back to sleep. I was focused too much on what I needed to do and getting ready for the day. I was able to...
by Marie Deveaux | Jul 31, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Productivity
Freelance Is Not A Synonym For Slacker Everyone wants time freedom, but we turn our nose up when we see freelance life in action. You smirk at the 10 am yoga class on Tuesdays. Who is going to that? Or the folks who are buying all their groceries at the Farmers Market...
by Marie Deveaux | Jul 24, 2017 | Motivation and Mindset, Productivity
When Distraction Knocks There is a difference between an opportunity and a distraction, but most of us don’t know how to recognize it. When distraction knocks, the simple solution is to just say no. We think when someone presents us with a potential for...