High Tides VIP Day

High Tides VIP Day

As a consultant and coach, you may find that you are limited in the amount and quality of service you can give your clients by the number of hours you can physically work with them. In the transformation business, we know that lasting change requires time and...
EQ in a Virtual World(Video On vs. Off)

EQ in a Virtual World(Video On vs. Off)

You can stop mandating everyone to have their video on when in Zoom. As a communications coach and professional facilitator for what seems like forever, I often find myself being asked about best practices to get full engagement. I find myself challenged about what...
Self Care: Freeing Yourself from Exhaustion

Self Care: Freeing Yourself from Exhaustion

Fatigue is a very real thing: most of us don’t think about self care until we’re completely exhausted. What if there were such a thing as resting before you retired? Can you take a break before you do the work? Or can you plan for it in advance? Request...

Apply now for Facilitator Certification: Cohort 3 starts in 2024